понедельник, 1 апреля 2013 г.

                            Real Crime and Pseudo Crime

I. Copy out the new words from the text, read and translate it.

In the traditional English detective story, written by someone like Agatha Christie, the crime is nearly always murder. It often takes place in a country house, and the local inspector, who undertakes the investigation, is incapable of solving the case and needs the help of a private detective.
The detective begins by making a series of inquiries and looking for clues. The suspects are usually upper-class, and have a motive for killing the victim. The detective eventually resolves the mystery by inviting all those under suspicion to meet. He sets a trap for the murder, and establishes his guilt by going through the evidence. The murderer obligingly gives himself away, and confesses, providing the proof of the detective's accusation. The grateful police inspector arrives to make the formal charge and put the murderer under arrest. In real life, the crime is usually not murder but an offence against property, on a scale ranging from shoplifting through theft to burglary and robbery with violence. Other offences involving money, like fraud and forgery, are also much more common than murder. If the case is solved, or it is usually because  the police receive information that puts them on the track of criminal, or he leaves traces behind him such as fingerprints. Sometimes offering a reward helps to convict someone. But few thieves or robbers confess unless they know they will be found guilty and hope to get a lighter sentence, and the police seldom invite them to a party with other suspects.

Task One
Read and translate the following words. Learn them.
to investigate - investigator - investigation;
to suspect - suspect - suspicion;
to convict - convict - conviction;
to inform - informant - information;
to detect - detective - detection;
to rob- robber - robbery;
to inspect - inspector - inspection.

Task Two
Name all types of crimes given in the text and learn them.

Task Three
Name the profession of the people who take part in investigating crimes.

Task Four
Find the synonyms among the following words and word-combinations. Translate them into Russian.
To search; crime; killer; to look for; offence; murderer; to solve the case; criminal; trace; to investigate the case; offender; track. 

Task Five
Give Russian equivalents to the following English word-combinations:
local inspector; to undertake the investigation; the help of a private detective; to make a series of inquires; to look for clues; to have a motive for killing; to resolve the mystery; to be found guilty; to get a lighter sentence; to offer a reward; the proof of the detective's accusation; to put the murderer under arrest; to make the formal charge.

Task Six
Translate the Russian word-combinations into English:
традиционная английская детективная история; решать дело; под подозрением; установить вину; преступление против собственности; кража со взломом и грабеж с применением насилия; мошенничество и подлог; наводить на след преступника; оставлять после себя следы в виде отпечатков пальцев.

Task Seven
Answer the questions: 
1.            Which of the following ( burglar, murderer, victim, thief, suspect)
a)       is innocent ?
b)      may be guilty?
c)       is guilty?
2.     Which of the following (a clue, a confession, fingerprints, a motive, suspicion )
a)       might help to form the case for an accusation?
b)      would be accepted in court as proof?
c)       is neither evidence nor proof?
3.            Which of the following crimes normally takes place in …(burglary, fraud, robbery, theft, shoplifting)
a)       a bank?
b)      a house?
c)       an office?
d)      a shop?
e)       all of these?

Task Eight

What do we call a person  who … ?
1)           steals things from people’s pockets in crowded places,
2)           betrays his or her country to another state,
3)           takes away people by force and demands  money for their return,
4)           buys and sells drugs illegally,
5)           breaks into houses and other buildings to steal,
6)           takes control of a plane by force and makes the pilot change the course,
7)           makes false money or signatures,
8)           gets secret information from another country,
9)           brings goods into a country illegally without paying tax,
10)      threatens to tell other people your secrets  if you don’t pay him money:
a)       forger,
b)      blackmailer,
c)       burglar,
d)      spy,
e)       kidnapper,
f)        smuggler,
g)       pickpocket,
h)      traitor,
i)         drug dealer,
j)         hijacker.

Task Nine

Place the following in the correct order in time, numbering them 1 to 6: accusation ( ), arrest ( ), charge ( ), proof ( ), sentence ( ), suspicion  ( ).
1.            The crime is nearly always murder.
2.            The crime is usually committed by an upper-class person.
3.            The motive is usually financial gain.
4.            A private detective solves the crime and arrests the criminals.
5.            The case is solved with the help of evidence such as fingerprints.
6.            Criminals usually confess to their guilt when they realize there is evidence incriminating them.

Task Ten
Answer the questions:
1.            What is a crime in the traditional  English detective  Story ?
2.            Where does it take place ?
3.            Why does the local  inspector need the help of a private detective ?
4.            How does the detective resolve the mystery ?
5.            What is a crime in real life ?
6.            What helps to convict someone ? 

Text for additional reading and discussion
Charmless Chalmers
a)            Read the article about politician Andrew Chalmers. In pairs, explain the crimes /offences in the article in your own words.
b)           In groups. Do you think Andrew Chalmers is unusually dishonest for a politician?

Here's the list of his «mistakes»!
1.            Drink-driving.
While in Paris for a European summit meeting about road safety, Chalmers was stopped for speeding. He was then arrested when he was also found to be drunk. He said to the arresting officer, «You're overreacting! I do this all the time in England
2.            Fiddling expenses.
While he was an MP, Chalmers' expenses for business trips often totalled thousands of pounds. He had to be more careful when an accountant noticed that he had charged for lunch in three different luxury hotels on the same day – in three different European cities!
3.            Shoplifting.
Chalmers was stopped by store detectives at a top department store in West London as he attempted to leave the shop with three bottles of champagne under his coat. Chalmers claimed that he had forgotten they were there. He was released  with a warning.
4.            Burglary.
A week later the police were called by a witness who had seen a man climbing out of a window of the Houses of Parliament. Andrew Chalmers was arrested at the scene of the crime carrying two bottles of champagne which he had taken from the fridge in the MPs' dining room. «All the shops are closed,» he told the police.
5.            Forgery.
In order to show how popular his ideas were, Chalmers sometimes forged his colleagues' signatures on various documents and letters of support. «I knew they would support me. I didn't want to bother them with details like signing papers,» he argued.
6.            Fraud.
Chalmers' worst «mistake» was his business venture with known fraudster Seymour Cripes-Tottingly. Chalmers used his position and name to get rich and famous people to invest in their new conpany, «Grow Richer», which made farm equipment for the Third World. But all the money went into overseas bank accounts under the names of Chalmers and Cripes-Tottingly and no-one actually started any company! Chalmers was found guilty of fraud at his trial, where his excuses failed to impress the jury. He was sentenced  to nine months in prison.
After his release from prison on 9th  January, Chalmers went on a six-month cruise. Maybe he was hoping that everyone would forget.

(Moscow News. №5. 2003).

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